Katie's Kool-Kat Blog

This is where I write about random nonsense and post it to the internet for weirdos to enjoy!

Welcome to my personal blog!

This is a place where I write about my day and other junk!

Katie's Blog

2/16/24 - Today I updated the site! It's been a minute lol. I've been really burnt out and sick with work and some related issued, but today I made a page for just photos in general. I wanted something that I could post a wider variety of pics on since I had been preacticing photography quite a bit for some time. I hope to add some old pics I've taken with both my Mavica and my Nikon N50. I've already uploaded some pics from when my girlfriend visted and from earlier today.

2/1/24 - Ahhhh! More floppies came in from eBay and these ones are colorful! I also got a new-to-me Toshiba floppy drive to replace my nameless floppy drive that was to be honest, a wee bit shit. I took a whole photo shoot of the new drive and floppies, mainly because I really don't have much better to do. I hope you guys can enjoy though!

  • 1/29/24 - Today, I bought a emachines laptop off of Facebook Marketplace. The laptop was in very good condition, being nearly spotless when purchased and now in lovely condition after some thorough disinfecting. The laptop is running Windows XP and based off the information I could find on it, appears to be from 2008. I've been able to connect to the internet using ethernet, and after some arguing was able to install a outdated variant of Firefox. This has allowed me to not only access my webstie, but type out the update you see now. I am very excited with this new old tech and I can't wait to use it with my Mavica.

    1/27/24 - Everything for the Mavica arrived today! AHHHHH! I am actually so excited. We have the Mavica, with it's own strap, batter, charger, and USB (type A) cable and flash disk card. We have 2 extra batteries (total of 3) which have a higher capacity (170 minutes compared to the og's 80) and charger which can work in the car! We also got an order of 10 Multilaser floppy disks, one of which you can see below.

    1/24/24 - I actually made it into work today! I've been having a bit of a hard time since last Friday, but it seems coffee and not giving a fuck are the way to go when you have trouble getting up early in the morning. I don't have a whole lot to do in office today, so I'm in the cafeteria working on the site. I hope to try and do something really cool soon, but I am having trouble coming up with ideas. I am very excited about the cat page however. I bought a Sony Mavica FD500 recently so I could take 'era appropiate' pictures. Really, it's so I can take pics at a lower quality and have something weird, but fun from the 90s/early 2000s. I'll probably talk more about it once some of the stuff gets here.

    1/22/24 - I've begun making candles irl. My first one came out super pretty, but the wick burned itself out and I didn't include enough fragrence within the actual wax, so you didn't smell anything! I hope to get a bit better so I can start making lavendar candles to help with my migraines more. They've been getting worse and while I can take a day off a week from work without issue thanks to God's angel, FMLA, I really want to be in office so I can try and make more money/get a better role. I'm considering moving to Texas and would like to keep this job. My manager told me it'd be possible, but difficult and that I'd essentially have to make myself as important as possible to validate keeping me if I were to move.

    1/22/24 - This is a test to test out my new fancy notebook!

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